Tony Rumball
Tony Rumball’s paintings feature a quirky cast of characters, and unlikely assemblage of objects.
Born in 1943, for more than 30 years Tony has met to paint with friends in Stratford, Taranaki. A number of Tony’s paintings arise from a spontaneous response to assorted props brought each week by fellow artists. One day a collection of hats, another day an iris and a Versace scarf, another day a bike or fish heads – all seemingly mundane and unexceptional objects, transformed by the artist into unique works of art.
Other paintings celebrate snapshots in time, small incidents drawn from daily life. We are given a window into the imagined lives of a curious assortment of characters, people and animal captured as they go about their usual activities. This celebration of the everyday gives the works wide appeal; we can all relate to the incidentals of daily life, and the emotions Tony’s characters portray.