Previous Exhibitions

May 2018 - Lee-Ann Dixon - paintings on vintage ware

For the month of May 2018, ZIMMERMAN is exhibiting a selection of new oil paintings on vintage ware by Nelson-based artist, Lee-Ann Dixon.  


Birds, moths and precious keepsakes all feature in Lee-Ann Dixon’s works - studies that pay tribute to memories and the passage of time.


“In recent works I delve into the past and use symbols to reference events and relationships that have shaped my psyche. It's hard to explain without sounding cliche, but as you age you get to look back at the story that is your life, re run the film and analyse it.” – Lee-Ann Dixon (2018)


Dixon holds a Visual Arts Diploma and Bachelor of Visual Arts from Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology. The exhibition of Dixon's works at ZIMMERMAN runs from 1 to 31 May 2018.